The following links may be helpful to you
Lyons Davidson Bristol
Domestic Abuse and Child Abduction 24 hour legal advice helpline:
0117 904 5999
Foreign & Commonwealth Office Forced Marriage Unit:
0207 008 0151
The one-stop website that provides you with practical information and sources of advice and help on forced marriage.
999: In an emergency
101: to report a forced marriage
Forward (Specifically for African women):
0208 960 4000
Henna Foundation (Cardiff):
029 2049 6920
Honour Network (Karma Nirvana):
0800 5999 247
Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation (IKWRO):
0207 920 6460 / 6461 / 6462
National Domestic Violence Helpline:
0808 200 0247
Newham Asian Women’s Project (London):
0208 472 0528
Respond (Learning Disabilities):
0207 383 0700
Southall Black Sisters (London):
020 8571 9595
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